We’ve all heard by now “sitting is the new smoking”, aside from a heavy dose of hyperbole – it’s true! Long bouts of sitting have been shown to increase risk of poor health outcomes regardless of diet and physical activity. There are many avenues to explain these findings, decreased metabolism, poor circulation and decreased bone […]
The Paradox of Movement
When is movement helpful and when is it harmful? Everyone knows exercise is good, right? Then why does it sometimes hurt, and how do I know if that pain is helping or hindering my success?Answering that question depends largely on the cause of your pain and the type of movement you’re doing. Is it sore […]
Technology Changes
As Bob Dylan said, “The times they are a changin’” and so are we! Come January 2019, we will be shifting to electronic records and this means our system for booking will change slightly. We will no longer be able to use the MindBody app for appointments but rather will have to book through another […]