January is often a time for reflection and reframing. Another year over and, in the life of our clinic, the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. As I look forward to this next stage, I cannot help but be optimistic about not only what’s to come but also what I want to let go of from 2024.
What do you hope to let go of for 2025?
Change pushes us to grow….
In the words of the author Glennon Doyle, “We can do hard things.” As a practitioner, I constantly ask my patients to change, and I know how challenging that is. Whether it be changing a diet or sleep routine, trying out a new meditation practice, or adding a new supplement, I push people to grow and do hard things. But it’s through change that we sprout and grow.
Personally, I’m looking forward to letting go of my car – you’ll see me walking to work from now on. This small but significant change, I hope, will drive me to “practice what I preach” with respect to adding movement into my life while also giving me a more mindful commute on a daily basis. Shifting my commute comes with a ripple effect of impacts from adjusting how I do errands and transport kids. However, in our November newsletter, I wrote about the impacts of fitness on wellbeing and longevity, and that is what I’m striving for in 2025.

Change makes us stronger ….
Author and psychologist Angela Duckworth has helped define grit and understands that overcoming setbacks and our ability to bounce back after challenges are what help us build and develop grit. It’s the things that we work hardest at that we experience the most reward and satisfaction from. But being ready for change is more than half the battle when it comes to shifting our habits.
One of the biggest barriers with change, is changing our mindset. In the 5 stages of change, 3 of them come before action takes place. Preparation is key for success and this is where a healthcare team can help reframe and work through the steps required to see success when it comes to your goals.
Change helps us meet our goals….
Wellness is a dynamic state in which we strive to meet our goals with mindfulness. In the post-Christmas space, I encourage you to take time to contemplate and reflect on your goals. Ask yourself what you can let go of and what you are ready to change. And know that we are here to support you in that transition. You can do hard things, and we’re here to help!
In wellness,
Dr Chanel Cressman, ND
Great article. Now you announced your goal people will be watching!
2024 was my year of dental care and IVs. 2025 is my year of gaining muscle mass!
Thanks for all of your work and education!
Let’s go.