March break is around the corner, the days are getting longer, and many of us are getting excited for spring to officially arrive. Whether you are hitting the hot tub at the ski chalet, flying south to the beaches, or want to reset your energy, a simple detoxification can help you to get the ball rolling.
Why Should We Detox?
A recent study found that the average Canadian had 53 chemicals stored in their bodies. This is because we are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals each day in our home and work environments, the products we use on our bodies, and the food and water we drink.
When our bodies are not able to eliminate all the different toxins we are bombarded with, they accumulate in our cells, tissues, and organs. This can cause a variety of health problems.
The goal of detoxification is to open the emunctories and facilitate the elimination of toxins while supporting the organs responsible for this process such as the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system.
What are the symptoms of toxic overload?
Depending on the toxicity level and toxin itself you could experience any or all of the following symptoms to various degrees:
- Fatigue and low energy
- Headaches
- Weight gain
- Skin problems
- Arthritic conditions
- Digestive problems
- Allergies
- Frequent colds
- Hormonal dysfunction
Toxic overload is also linked with diseases and disorders such as various forms of cancer, reproductive problems, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD.
Dietary Recommendations for Detoxification
In general, prolonged fasting is not a recommended approach to detoxification. Nor is it recommended to make radical changes to your diet. The general goal during detox is to support the organs responsible for detox, so make smarter food choices with a focus on whole foods.
Other tips include:
- Water: Drinking enough of water is a key component of detoxification. Through water we eliminate toxins. At least 2 liters a day is ideal.
- Fiber: Fiber binds toxins which are removed by the liver and excreted into the intestinal tract. It keeps your bowels moving regularly to get the toxins out.
- Antioxidants: When you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables you are giving your body the micronutrients it needs to bolster the complex detoxification pathways in the body. Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits), anthocyanidins (found in berries), and beta-carotene (found in carrots) are a few popular antioxidant sources. Green smoothies are an awesome compliment to any detox for this reason.
- Alkalinizing foods: Removing excess acids from your body also helps rid the body of toxins. Avoiding processed meats and cheeses and focusing on ALL vegetables and some fruits helps shift the scale to a more balanced pH.
- Exercise: Physical activity promotes movement in our lymphatic systems, which bring toxins out of the tissues for detoxification (see previous blog). Additionally, perspiration is another route of elimination, so get moving!
- Avoid acidic foods: In general coffee, sugar and processed foods generally contain chemicals and this tips to scale towards a more acidic alkaline terrain. This in turn, further stresses the system and shuts down detoxification pathways. Smoking would also fall into the category.
What is the Detox Plan?
For a quick and easy but effective detoxification here is what we recommend:
STEP 1: Follow the 4-Day Detox Meal Plan to clean up your diet
STEP 2: Purchase the 2-WEEK Pascoe Detox Kit for deep intracellular drainage and liver, kidney and lymphatic support.
STEP 3: Book a Live Blood Cell Analysis Appointment for individualized support and to determine the next plan of action.
Good luck and Happy Cleansing!
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