Robust mental health is not complete without restful sleep. Simply put, how can you manage even day-to-day stressors if your body and mind are not well rested? Here are some simple and safe options to consider if you are struggling with poor sleep:

- This product offers melatonin as a standalone ingredient, yet in a convenient liquid delivery so that you can find the optimal dosage for a restful sleep without the next-day grogginess
- Each dropper contains a full 5mg of melatonin that can be titrated and adjusted for every member of the family (ie you may need 4mg/night while your partner or child only needs 1mg/night – the liquid dropper allows you to adjust and individualize)
- Best suited for people that have irregular sleep patterns, shift work, travel or “night owls” that naturally feel more awake as the evening progresses
- Delivered in a delicious natural blueberry flavor
Magnesium Sleep Matrix

- This product contains melatonin for its ability to support sedation and deep sleep, in addition to GABA and magnesium bisglycinate for their calming effects
- Better suited for people that have overactive minds, racing thoughts or stress and tension that are ultimately leading to difficulties falling asleep
- Delivered in a vegetable capsule
As always, speak with your Sprout Wellness practitioner to determine if these supplements are appropriate for you.
In health,
Dr. Colin O’Brien
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