Did you know that prenatal supplements are recommended not only during pregnancy, but also when preparing for pregnancy (3-6 months in advance) and postpartum while breastfeeding?
Simply put, proper fetal development requires a high demand of energy, nutrients and support from the mother. A healthy and balanced diet is certainly the first and most important step to ensure that these demands are met. However, specific nutrients are needed in greater amounts and supplementing with a well-formulated prenatal supplement is the best way to ensure this. The problem is that all prenatal supplements aren’t created equal and many of the common prenatal formulas just don’t make the cut when it comes to quality.
For this reason, Sprout Wellness Clinic recommends two specific prenatals: Prenatal Formula by CytoMatrix and Prenatal SAP by NFH. While there are subtle differences between then two, Sprout Wellness practitioners recommend these because they each offer the following advantages:

- Higher dosages: a “one-a-day” prenatal often just can’t fit enough of the good stuff, hence why both the NFH and CytoMatrix prenatals are 3 capsules/day and 4 capsules/day, respectively. That means higher doses.
- Better forms: folic acid is the best known nutrient when it comes to fetal development, but did you know that it can be found as synthetic folic acid or as ‘activated’ folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate; 5-MTHF)? Some women are genetically unable to efficiently convert into the more active 5-MTHF, so it is better to deliver it directly. The same goes for all B-vitamins and many minerals: absorption and utilization in the body are just better with certain forms.
- Thorough Ingredients: all prenatals contain folic acid and iron, but many are missing compounds like choline, which is also important for neurological development of the fetus. Calcium and magnesium are also overlooked as important for preventing pregnancy-related complications in the mother. A well formulated prenatal complex has a wide array of nutrients.
- Well tolerated: nausea is a common concern in many pregnant women and swallowing pills may be difficult. These specific prenatal formulas tend to be well-tolerated unlike some supplements on the market.
- Cleaner Ingredients: these formulas are free of binders, fillers, colouring agents and unnecessary ingredients.
If you have questions surrounding family planning, pregnancy support or post-partum care, please reach out to your Sprout Wellness practitioner to better individualize your care.
Hi – thank you for this explanation – it seems; however, that there is no choline in the NFH SAP prenatal – am I missing it somewhere?
Great question – the NFH version does not have choline but the Cytomatrix one does.