Both vitamin A and zinc are widely known as important immune balancing nutrients and this year they have both gained extra attention for this exact purpose. But many people are unaware that zinc can also play an important role in mental health – thereby making it a powerful 2-for-1 punch during the winter months for select individuals experiencing low mood and looking to support immunity. Supplemental zinc has been shown to have a positive effect in people with low mood on its own, as well as being an effective adjunctive therapy for depressed individuals taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication.
There is not a reliable blood test to accurately determine zinc status, so instead clinical signs and symptoms are used to determine need. These symptoms are commonly seen when zinc status is low:
• Recurrent Infections
• Poor wound healing
• Low mood
• Loss of taste and/or loss of smell
• Hair loss
By far, the most common side effect of supplemental zinc is nausea and upset stomach. So be sure to speak with your health care practitioner as to what the appropriate dosage would be for your health goals and whether zinc is the most appropriate nutrient for you.
In Health,
Dr Colin
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