The lymphatic system is a defense and drainage system for our body. It filters out organisms that cause disease, produces white blood cells, and generates disease-fighting antibodies. It also drains excess fluids and debris so that tissues do not become congested or inflamed. If your lymphatic system is suffering, your immune system will suffer too.

Signs of a sluggish lymphatic system include
- Chronic recurring infections
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Swelling anywhere in the body
- Ovarian cysts/ Fibrocystic breasts / Uterine Fibroids/ Beast soreness or swelling at menses
- Recent outbreak of moles or skin tags
- Sore Muscles / Fibromyalgia / Arthritis / Auto immune conditions
- Puffiness around the eyes
- Fatigue
- Rashes or itchiness of the body/ Allergies
Lymphdiaral is a German-made homeopathic drainage remedy used to decongest the lymphatic system in those suffering from lymphatic congestion. It is also acutely indicated in:
- Infections such as sinusitis and tonsillitis
- Pain
- Swelling / Inflammation
- Earache
- Swollen lymph nodes
This remedy is safe for children an adult. It also comes in a cream for topical applications to any swollen lymph nodes as well local inflammation anywhere in the body.
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