The primary goal of any holistic practitioner is to uncover the barriers to cure that lie below the surface because what we observe externally is only the tip of the iceberg. Live Cell Microscopy (aka Live Blood Cell Analysis/ LBCA) allows us to gain such insight. Your blood cells and the terrain that they are bathed in are very important indicators of health and disease, as are the abundant symbiotic microbes that form our internal ecosystem.
Traditional Blood Work VS LBCA
At Sprout we are often analyzing our patient’s blood work but it often only provides part of the picture. In traditional medical blood testing preserved blood is sent to a laboratory for an “autopsy” and analyzed for chemical composition and cell counts. In live blood analysis, a small drop of blood is taken from the fingertip and placed on a slide under a microscope. The patient and practitioner review the blood cells in ‘live view’ in front of a computer monitor and identify the subtleties of the blood in its natural terrain environment against an in-direct light source.
Why Try LBCA?
This educational tool for assessing the state of your overall health will provide a clear direction of where to focus your nutritional efforts. It is ideal for anyone who takes a proactive approach to health. LBCA gives you current insight at the cellular level – that is why it is as helpful in people who consider themselves healthy and wish to prevent disease, as it is in people who are working through health challenges.
To Book an Appointment with our Microscopist click here.
Please note the information gathered from live blood cell microscopy should not be used as a stand-alone assessment or diagnostic tool.
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