Working hand in hand, Dr Chanel Cressman, ND and Andrea Hauser, Homeopath, offer joint visits that bring together their combined clinical expertise of 25+ years, redefining wellness with an immersive and comprehensive approach.
The beauty of joint visits lies in their efficiency and depth. In a single visit, you get access to two seasoned practitioners without the need to repeat your health history. It’s a streamlined process that allows us to delve deeply into every aspect of your well-being—physical, mental, and emotional—all in one session.
Why did we start offering joint visits?
After working alongside Andrea Hauser for over a decade, I have seen the power of Homeopathic remedies, especially for individuals with some complexity – be it with mental-emotional burdens, trauma, or other blocks. Although Homeopathy is within my Naturopathic scope, Andrea brings the expertise to support more complex cases.
Our patients share their health concerns and updates while we are in the room together, streamlining the patient experience and allowing each of us practitioners to tune into different information while ensuring we are fully evaluating the details of each case. Our patients can see how integrated we are and how actively we are working together to meet their needs.
It’s a streamlined process that allows us to delve deeply into every aspect of your well-being—physical, mental, and emotional

At the end of the day, this means minimizing supplements, choosing focused, relevant testing, and ensuring recommendations are consistent.
Having offered joint visits for over a year now, we are confident we are pushing the bar of what it means to offer ‘wholistic care.’ For more info or to book, reach out to our reception team.
In health,
Dr Chanel Cressman, ND
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