As most of us are slowly transitioning into more of a routine, many are finding getting back into normal motions more difficult. One of the most common concerns seen at Sprout Wellness is pain. This pain doesn’t disappear during a pandemic, in fact, stress and working from home can take an additional toll on our bodies physically. Not having ergonomic support working on computers, not being able to go to the gym, or even taking up a new physical hobby to pass the time, can lend to increased likelihood of injury and pain.

If you are experiencing pain, we’ve got your covered!
At Home Strategies
While we are waiting for more bodywork services to become available, there is a lot you can do at home to help manage your pain and initiate healing in your body.
Hot-Cold Contrast Hydrotherapy
Hot-Cold Contrast hydrotherapy is a quick and simple technique that can be utilized at home.. Hydrotherapy uses water as well as temperature to cause changes in blood flow in a targeted area or all over the body. This can be accomplished using hot and cold pack or in the shower or bathtub with stability support. The benefits include:
- improving circulation
- removal of built up toxins in the muscles
- stimulating the immune system to heal the affected area
To try it out for yourself, apply heat to the painful or affected area for 3 minutes, then switch over to cold for 1 minute. Repeat this 3-5 times and remember to always end on cold.
While it sounds unpleasant, it is very important to end on cold because it will lessen inflammation in the area and it will promote blood flow to the skin after the treatment ends which will warm the area back up quickly.
Stretching and Slow Dynamic Exercises
Stretching and a strengthening exercise regimen are key to healing and preventing further injury. The goal of this at home solution is to help your muscle become stronger and more flexible; with the result being they are less prone to injury. Stretching and certain exercises can feel mildly uncomfortable but should be stopped if they become painful. Some low intensity exercises that can be extremely beneficial include yoga, brisk walking, and tai chi.
It is important to know which muscles you want to target in order to get the most out of your stretch routine. There are several instructional videos and tips online for both stretching routines and exercise, however it is important to always consult your health care provider before starting a new physical routine to make sure it is suitable and safe for your needs.
Reach out to book an appointment with our doctors, either virtually or in-office, and we can provide information and guidance for this based on your current condition and goals.
Acupuncture – In Clinic
Acupuncture is one of the more popular and incredibly effective treatments we provide for pain relief. In general, it is quite safe and can be performed in-office by trained professionals. In order to understand how acupuncture can help you, there are two approaches in which we can view acupuncture treatments: traditionally and medically.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture
TCM centers around working with the flow of energy in the body, also know as qi. When there is pain or disease in the body, it is referred to as a “blockage” or “obstruction” to the flow of energy. Energy is what allows our bodies and organs to function normally, so when obstructions occur there can be issues that appear in other areas of the body, as well as the pain experienced in a specific area.
The acupuncture points are chosen based on the 12 meridians or “pathways” that qi moves in the body. This means the points needled during a treatment session can be close to the area you are experiencing pain but also may be further away or on opposite areas of the body. The theory behind this method is that the needle, inserted in the correct location, at the correct depth will help to release or unblock the energy that has been obstructed.
Medical Acupuncture (MA)
MA is focused on treating and targeting the local area of pain and the needles are inserted based on muscle location, pain region, and trigger points. For example, in those experiencing upper back and neck pain, we can locate the areas where a muscle might be tight or have “knots”, otherwise known as adhesions, and place a needle to help the muscle fibers to release tension and relax.
There are numerous published studies that have shown acupuncture to be effective for pain relief by improving local blood flow to an injured area, increasing your body’s natural opioids/pain killers (such as enkephalins and endorphins), promoting relaxation and stress reduction, and decreasing local pain sensation in the body. Relaxation is key in acupuncture settings because reduction of stress and promoting relaxation creates space for healing in the body.
Naturopaths and Acupuncture
Naturopathic medicine uses both TCM and MA give relief from current symptoms and lessening of chronic pain over time.
A typical acupuncture session lasts approximately 30 minutes and is usually scheduled every 1-2 weeks for a period of 6-12 weeks, depending on the concern.
Acupuncture is a great option for those who are experiencing pain in their daily life. I love to use it with my patients. If you want to learn more or see if acupuncture is a good fit for you please contact Sprout Wellness Clinic by phone or email or book a consultation with one of our doctors.
Dr Carissa Bush, ND
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