We all know about the benefits of muscle stimulation and relaxation that come from massage therapy, but did you know that studies show a Registered Massage Therapist can help in ways that you’ve probably never considered? Read on to find out more!
1. Decreasing Stress and Boosting Mood
Think back to childhood when one of your parents would sit you down and offer a hug or hold your hand. While words and talking definitely go a long way, human touch is naturally soothing and comforting. And when you’ve got someone trained in easing your tense muscles and aches, the underlying emotional and mental tension you could be feeling can likewise be alleviated with a massage treatment. Triple bonus: you can talk throughout your appointment!
2. Boosting the Immune System
Studies show that massage actually boosts the body’s white blood cell count, which are the cells of the immune system. These cells help create more internal defenses against illness and disease. Similarly, the lymph system, which is a vital part of the immune and circulatory systems, can be eased with gentle massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage. This gets the unwanted toxins cleared from your system so nutrients can make their way in.
3. Improving Sleep
Some of us full-out fall into a comfortable snooze during those relaxational massage sessions. But this improvement in sleep we’re talking about may not just happen on the massage table. According to recent studies, massage actually stimulates delta waves, which are the waves that take place in the brain linked with deep slumbers. So feel free to take those z’s home with you after your next treatment!
4. Refining Wrinkles Naturally
Registered Massage Therapy gets blood flowing, which is a natural plumper of skin. And as we mentioned above, in partnership with lymph drainage that can be brought about through massage, removing toxins from the body will give you a healthier glow naturally. Kudos to natural beauty boosts!
Book online with Angela or Krystal today, or feel free to call or email the clinic via info@sproutwellness.ca.
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