Some days there is an easy explanation as to why you wake up feeling exhausted – you slept poorly, you pushed it too hard at the gym or you have a newborn keeping you up all night! Yet many of us still don’t feel rested even after a solid sleep or a low-key weekend. There are endless reasons as to why you may have such low energy, but some are more common than others and, regardless of the complexity or the cause, there are always ways to improve.
Common Causes of Fatigue
Here are some of the most common reasons that people experience chronic and ongoing fatigue. Although this is not a comprehensive list, it may give you some insight to begin your investigation:
- Iron deficiency
- B12 deficiency
- Hypothyroidism
- Viral Infection
- Sleep Apnea
- Widespread Nutrient Deficiencies
- Drug Side Effects
- Depression
- Stress
How we can help:
The cause of your fatigue may be a relatively simple fix or it may involve multiple, complex factors that intertwine and affect one another. By far the most important step is to determine the underlying cause(s) in order to properly address the fatigue. We can:
- Help you determine the cause(s) of your fatigue through a comprehensive intake, conventional blood tests (iron, thyroid, B12, etc) and more specialized lab tests (organic acid testing, food sensitivity testing, etc)
- Develop a strategic plan to remedy your concerns through the use of diet, lifestyle, acupuncture and other targeted modalities
- Help to prevent symptoms of fatigue and low energy from returning
To book an appointment, click here
For more reading:
- pH Balancing – alkalinize with your smoothie
- Lab Highlight: Fatigue Panel
- CHI Test: Comprehensive Hormone Insight Testing
- Sleep Deprivation: What is causing your poor sleep?
- Five Important Strategies to Care for your Mental Health
- Product Focus: From A to “Zinc” for Healthy Immunity and Optimal Mood
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): The Winter Blues are Real
- Mood + Food
- Lab Spotlight: Metabolic Panel
- Simple and Safe Options for Restful Sleep during Covid-19